Jumat, 13 April 2018

EMMARES Connecting High Quality Email Content to Receivers

EMMARES Menghubungkan Konten Email Berkualitas Tinggi dengan Penerima

EMMARES connects high-quality email content to interested recipients. Encouraging better quality content, low frequency, and fair content evaluation, EMMARES presents new value, expanded audiences for email marketers and a bit of spam with just the desired content for the recipient. EMMARES - Email Marketing Rewarding System is a highly profitable evaluation system of email marketers (senders) as well as email recipients (all email users).


We envision a world where email marketing content has a much higher caliber. With our services, email marketers will be compelled to consistently produce better content over time. Trusted evaluations will help us all to minimize spam. EMMARES will start a new golden era of email marketing. We want email marketing to represent trust and quality in the minds of people.

Mission statement.

Email marketing is used more than any other digital marketing channel, but the impact is not what it is. This is due in large part to the fact that so much content used in email marketing is so low in quality. Customers want information offered by email marketers but they will not receive low quality information.

By using the smart services offered by EMMARES, users can finally get email marketing content to their standards and tailored to them based on their gender and region. Our mission is to make the world spam-free and play a major role in uncovering the possibility of dynamic content evaluation and intelligent delivery systems.

EMMARES has the potential to disrupt the digital advertising market by providing excellent return on investment, much more important than traditional online advertising. As the first service of its kind, EMMARES provides a new approach to online advertising through email channels and gives a new dimension to email marketing.

Enriching the quality of contact lists and generating new leads and traffic is the most frequently mentioned marketing objective. Providers spend most of their budget in this arena in the hope of achieving that goal. The most common way we do today is through web advertising. There are many different techniques to increase engagement, but they all share a common goal - to build constant contact and communication with potential customers. Classic web advertising is used to collect email addresses and get permission to send content via email. Statistics and forecasts suggest that only Google generates more than $ 19 billion dollars in advertising. The conversion rate through such channels is much higher than through traditional channels and varies across sectors.

Through evolution, marketing evolved from classic marketing communications tools and advertising methods to digital. This changed the core concept of marketing. The importance of classic TV and media fades and, with targeted budgets and e-campaigns, e-marketers can now achieve better and more measurable results. At this time, everyone can calculate the cost per new lead or cost per click on their website and see the conversion rate.

Email marketers use innovative techniques to measure and improve processes through the web presence. A / B testing, the technique of maximizing marketing engagement or automation is just the most common.

But Email remains the only area of ​​web presence, where results can not be achieved in an easy way just by paying for digital added. Getting targeted new customers is still one of the most important goals, because targeted customers mean better conversions.

Nowadays, with the possibility of surprising blockchain technology, we can introduce EMMARES intelligent services, which bring together information sources with consumer information. This results in higher ROI and clearly targeted leads. We hope that the revenue given to web advertising will be partially allocated to email marketing and this will result in a better ROI.

More Info:


AUTHOR; jelambar111

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