Hello everyone here I will explain about the latest Xyo post project that has a unique and nice concept, for more details let's go to the following discussion:
With over 1 million worldwide spot verified spot flares, and more added to our network every day, the XYO Network is the first oracle network Proof of Location Blockchain network. Join us in the decentralization of the location-dependent trading market, which amounts to $ 11 trillion (more than 3x larger than eCommerce).

Location data is used throughout the day, every day around the world.
We all become increasingly dependent on location data and self-propelled vehicles, unmanned aircraft delivery packages, and smart cities in the future will significantly increase their dependence on them.
The biggest limiting factor facing the world today in advancing us to a more efficient technology future is proportional to our ability to trust location data.
"The need for a hard-to-treat system to complement GPS has been known for years.Very accurate and reliable GPS, but jam, spoofing, cyber attacks and other forms of distraction seem to increase frequency and severity have the potential to destroy the effects on our lives and economic activity. "
President of the RNT Foundation, Dana Goward
Our current location technology is too inadequate to move us into the future ...
The XYO Network is the answer to this problem.
The XYO network makes location data without confidence possible through the technological ecosystem and the crypto-location protocol necessary to bridge the gap from today's world, to the future world.
Please proceed below to learn how to ...
"XYO Is The Latest Breakthrough in Blockchain Technology and Can Be Larger than Bitcoin and Ethereum Combined" Often new technologies arrive that change the way we live. When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb at the end of the nineteenth century, he shone on the world. And we have not lived since.
When the Wright brothers became the first to reach the flight at the turn of the last century, it changed the way we traveled the world. When the internet became mainstream in the 90s, the whole world became connected.
And now new technology has arrived that will once again change our way of life ... and shake up institutions like banks and governments to the point where they do it. If you think that Bitcoin and Ethereum have rocked the world, you need to prepare yourself for what will happen next.
This new breakthrough is set to be larger than the combination of both. This will change the lives of millions of people anywhere in the world and enter an untapped market, each worth over $ 11 trillion annually.
To understand how, let's first get some perspective.


When Bitcoin arrived in 2009, it changed the way people transact online. It makes online transactions safer, faster, and more efficient; millions of people around the world are beginning to use and invest in it. Today the combined market value of all digital currencies is over $ 400 billion ... and some experts estimate that Bitcoin alone could reach $ 1 trillion by the end of this year.
But why did this revolution happen at first?
This is mainly because of technology at the bottom of everything, a breakthrough called "blockchain".
Blockchain, the fundamental technology underlying Bitcoin, eliminates the need for trust because it makes all transactions transparent, decentralized and secure. It really revolutionizes online commerce.
People can now transact without knowing each other in a "no trust" transaction. There is no need for a trusted third party to resolve the dispute. People can send money from one person to another without the bank sitting in between, taking over.
And then there's a bigger breakthrough.

In 2013, there was another breakthrough ...
A new blockchain platform called "Ethereal" was developed. It introduces the Turing-complete programming language into the blockchain and opens up new world possibilities.
To understand how it works, think of Bitcoin as a Calculator app on your phone, and Ethereum as your phone's operating system that lets you have lots of apps with lots of features. One of the key features built into Ethereum functionality is called a "smart contract" a transaction protocol that essentially closes payments and executes agreements for the same.
Instead of contracts written on a piece of paper and signed in black ink, Ethereal's world allows them to be written in computer code and executed when certain conditions are met. For example, imagine if you want to place a bet of $ 20 then a particular sports team will win the game. You can write a smart contract, and when the game is over, it checks his score and automatically sends $ 20 worth of Eher from the loser to the winner.
Because smart contracts run on the decentralized Ethereal client node, you no longer have to rely on a third party, like a sports book service, to facilitate this type of transaction. As a result, intermediaries, and their costs, are eliminated.
The best part is this is just the beginning.
Ethereum developers can also create their own applications that do not rely on third party authority. This is why they are called decentralized apps or "DApPS".
They run a specially constructed blockchain, a robust shared global infrastructure that can drive value around and represent property ownership. All without risk of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party intrusions.
However, Ethereum has one big disadvantage. Because their smart contracts require a centralized third party for verification, it makes them vulnerable to hackers.
Take for example sports betting. In the world of Ethereum, the source in which a smart contract gets a game score (ie a sports site that includes a game score) is called "prediction". A hacker or even an insider employee can infiltrate oracle (such as ESPN.com), where the contract checks the score, and changes the score that benefits them. Not much to worry about when the stakes are $ 20. However, this is a critical point of failure when you consider several transactions as high as $ 200,000 or more.
To get around this, some "prophecies" are used to construct the so-called "consensus"; meaning smart contracts have to be checked with some prophecies and they all have to agree on a match score, for example. Thus, the contract is only executed when there is consensus and all third parties show the same score.
Since the advent of Etereum, there has been a rapid growth and the creation of DApps and the technologies associated with cryptocurrency. They have revolutionized the way people transact online - a market worth $ 11 trillion annually.
Even at this early stage, blockchain technology has had a major impact on the world. However, after seeing how they changed the online world, the next natural question is.

What if blockchain technology can be bridged with the real world?
Bitcoin technology and blockchain are limited to the internet. Any new blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, or new "token", which is an economic tool used to align the underlying platform economy, focuses on online applications rather than offline ones.
Although the offline world, the world market is actually still the largest. It's worth more than $ 400 trillion annually. Since 2012, we have developed location-based technology that aims to connect the digital world with the real world. Over the past few years, XY has developed an important technology to bring blockchain to the offline world, making it programmable and accessible to smart contracts.
To enable this, we have to overcome two very difficult tasks: First, we've created consumer-based consumer product businesses focused on getting Bluetooth tracking and GPS tracking trackers around the world. And second, we have developed innovative research in blockchain technology that focuses on the location so it is no longer limited to the online world.
After years of research and innovation, we have completed both.
XY has become a leader in technology that can be found with Bluetooth and GPS tracking devices that allow consumers every day to track real items in real-time, right from their smartphones.
XY now has more than 1 million location beacon devices circulating in the world. In just a few years, we've built the world's largest network of Bluetooth & GPS devices.

Due to the progress we've made, we can track objects, from jewelery to cars, to their exact location in real-time. This is because everything in the world is determined by their XYZT coordinates; These things can not leave that space.
When people or objects run along their T (time) coordinates, they interact with each other, creating what is called metadata. Simple examples are two or more people in a meeting or conversation. Conversation is a recording of interaction. In the case of the XYO Network, we take this interaction as the signature time between these two parties - two people take a selfie, make two selfie copies, sign both, and each take it. The resulting metadata is now also a permanent link between two entities; This is the core protocol underlying the XYO Network platform and discussed in detail later.
But first of all, what does all this mean, since the XYO Network meeting on its location innovation combined with the development of blockchain, we can introduce one of the most exciting ideas in today's blockchain ...
For more information on the current XYO project, please follow some resources for the following References:
AUTHOR: jelambar111