Greeting Community,
G-Global is a global market that resets or seeks global expert consultants in the Global market, based on Blockchain technology. G-Global can also be called a universal platform for communication that aims to exchange experiences and knowledge about Blockchain technology on a large scale. And has a large share in meeting the needs of the Global Market.
G-Global Goals
The G-Global Business Portal is intended to bring together experts in various fields, as well as politicians and scientists on a universal platform for communication.
Using Blockchain technology in the G-Global platform function makes it possible to create platforms, which have no analogues.
Using AI capabilities
By using the capabilities of the AI method and David Chen in the process of selecting experts or consultants, it will be possible to screen the professionals needed in the shortest possible time (David Chen).
Gather a team of experts in video chat
Gather a video chat specialist team to work on the project from idea to realization with the possibility of involving investors in the process (Alvin Roth).
Use the token consultation service
Use of tokens Consulting services worldwide can be paid for using Crypto-currency tokens and G-Global. Millions of different experts are available for people and customers with minimal transaction fees. (John Underhill).
Full transparency
Blockchain allows you to familiarize yourself with the history of expert activity regarding its smart contract, which ensures full platform transparency and solves the problem of information asymmetry.
Save tax
This platform allows companies and consumers to save taxes, insurance and pension contributions, and employ foreign specialists (Haroon Cheema).
G-Global investment fund
Use G-Global investment funds to support new projects in technology and innovation (Anthony Arias, Terry Moreland, and Aaron Yahalom.).
Expert community support
Community support experts (Community creation experts and interaction with business schools - Wenjie Cao).
Why does G-Global Need Blockchain?

Token Distribution

Distributing Fund Capitalization

Roadmap Before the Contribution Period
- November 1, 2013 - the birth of an idea, a global communication platform for business development. Opening of the G-Global Development Community (Estonia).
- 02 January 2014 - opens a website for experts and the realization of the Global Development Community G-www.gglobal.info
- 03 February 2014 - the establishment of the G-Global Business Portal with the aim of creating a platform for communication between investors and startups
- 04 April 2015 - launch of an online platform for communication between investors and project initiators and start-ups.
- March 05, 2016 - rejection of the idea of platform realization. Understanding has come that the project has no future.
- September 6, 2016 - the birth of Marketplace ideas and consulting services. Development of a beta version of the platform with individual and group audio and video chat.
- May 07, 2017 - Expert Marketplace testing and first consultation service with experts and customers - www.gglobal.com
- July 08, 2017 - Writing a Whitepaper and working on a business model. Gather teams to realize this idea.
- 09 September 2017 - work on platform software and passion protocols for the Ethereum blockchain base.
- November 10, 2017 - meetings with team members, discussion of work responsibilities and areas of duty with all team members and project advisers.
- January 11, 2018 - Pre-Sales for the launch of MVP. Realization of several important parts of the protocol, preparation for payment system integration and gateways, basic integration of G-Global Tokens.
- March 12 - April 2018 - The ICO stage is made to enter the G-Global token into circulation, raise funds for market promotion and develop payment modules for the G-Global business platform.
- January 13, 2019 - official release, launch of full-scale marketing activities.
For more information:
AUTHOR: jelambar111
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