The First Universal Digital Identity System To Solve Real World Identity Problems.
Real-world problems such as finding your medical record when you lie on the emergency room operating table. It's like knowing that the person you're sending money to is who they say they are, and they really own the car. Knowing that the person you are getting advice from the internet really is a genetic counselor. Or that your election vote really came from you.
Trigid is the first and only Internet-based way to show that real-world humans are who they say they are. This forces "one person, one identity" and you can verify real-world identities with real-world identifiers such as SIM numbers, SSNs, addresses, telephone numbers ... All without giving anyone the identifier.
What's more, you can maintain several passphrases in your head and use one or more of them to prove who you are to anyone, anywhere.
How is this possible? Trigid is a patent-pending "zero knowledge" validator of identity information inspired by geometric triangulation and all its structures baked into public blockchain so that they cannot be hacked or falsified.
This is part of the Internet infrastructure that the world has been waiting for.
An identity service that allows Trigid:

THREE uses a new scheme, inspired by geometric triangulation. It takes a general identifier, encrypts it, then reduces the information content to 20 or fewer bits. This "mashing algorithm" makes what we call "Vector Identity" which really only bows in giant identity charts.
This bow is useless. That's why they can be encoded into public blockchain. A 20-bit Mash, for example, can represent more than 2000 possible tokens of any type of identifier. It's from the US alone, and that before the third party starts adding things like medical record IDs, tax file numbers ...
Trigid charts can only confirm what you already know.

TOKENS ID Token ID is a first class Trigide crypto infrastructure component. Each sign can carry a set of "arcs" or "edges" - a line that connects facts in the Global TrigID blockchain database.
Think of this as a transaction in the database transaction log. When you transfer it, transaction ID becomes part of the Trigid database. When someone wants to use data, they break down blockchain and assemble Trigid charts in the same way as conventional databases are assembled from recording transaction logs.
Of course, ID tokens carry value - but the value given to them provides economic incentives to build a global identity database. Holders who "spend" their tokens by entering data bows into them will be given more ID tokens. In this way, the creation of global identity charts can be deployed.

$ 380 BILLION Token Ecosystem
Useful identity services depend on the integrity of stored identity data. To keep this data up-to-date and maintain its integrity, each service must be able to add, or change, the details of the identity they serve. To do that, they must deliver their updates through curation services. They need ID tokens.
To work with the Trigid curator, this identity service will require a token backup. Instead of repeatedly buying it on the open market, it makes sense that they have to transact with tokens if possible. So they will encourage people and organizations who consume these identity services to also transact using ID tokens.
This is a strong and virtuous circle, and that is the reason why we think that ID tokens can be "the" store of value for the economy of online identity services.
Every basic value store needs stability - something that is lacking in cryptocurrency to date. To ensure this stability, the Trigid economy will run the Market Creator and use the Generation Token Event to provide it with a large number of tokens that can be used.
The Market Maker will also provide Token Venture Capital to selected identity service providers and Token Aid for care organizations that focus on identity. Contact us if you are a VC who wants to help with this task.

May 14 - Community Consultation begins
June 1 - Pre-sale starts
August 1 - The SandBox program starts
August 15 - Personal application released
August 22 - Mash Release Beta algorithm
September 3 - Generation Token Events
November 1 - Charging pre-public data begins
March 1, 2019 - Aid funding application is opened
March 8, 2019 - The latest start for vesting
March 15 2019 - Market Maker begins operations
Q2 2019 - 3 billion identities are loaded
4th Quarter 2019 - Curator swimming pool runs out
4 Quarter 2020 - Status of stable ecosystems is achieved

For more information and joining TrigIDsocial media at this time, please follow some resources for the following references:
Web site:
Bitcointalk Thread:
ANN thread:
AUTHOR: jelambar111
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