Blockchain has made major changes in the technology community. It is a technology that supports virtual currency and ensures that all digital transactions are well-led and recorded. Further applications in addition to currencies can be produced to cope with technology. Such applications include distributed cloud storage, digital identity, smart contracts, digital voting, decentralized notaries and more ....
Today we are talking about one of these applications in the foodstuff industry. INS Ecosystem applies blockchain technology as a market for food products. With customers and producers of these food products can trade using the blockchain market. INS Ecosystem has built a full platform where its users can buy and sell wholesale products with ease.Blockchain empowers this INS Eosystem in many ways. This will be a decentralized ecosystem where purchases and sales of food products occur and no third parties are involved in this trade. Manufacturers will immediately sell their goods to their customers.
The basic supply storefront, one of the largest consumer markets on the planet, is estimated at $ 8.5 trillion by 2020, and that is the wholesale market.
It reached a digital tipping point, with a large amount of growth coming from the web. Online groceries, being an objective part of the INS, are expected to grow from $ 98 billion in 2015 to $ 290 billion by 2020, according to IDG estimates.
Despite the huge growth in the market, the wholesale market has two major interrelated issues - 1) abuse by wholesale retailers and 2) ineffective trade promotion. These are two major concerns in this market. which needs to be corrected. Retailers play a large role in the industry misusing the market with a surge in product prices and including unnecessary prices which in turn increases the risk of loss to consumers and producers.
INS executes a decentralized ecosystem that empowers customers to set aside 30% of daily grocery purchases directly from food producers. This allows direct interaction between producers and consumers. Also allows manufacturers to market their goods directly to their customers. This is an effective way to develop the market by benefiting both parties.
INS aims to solve the problem of the world grocery shopping. This is the first of its kind in blockchain technology. Having more than 4 years industry experience INS The ecosystem team is the most efficient team to solve this problem. They have been in this industry since 2013.
Work module:

Items on the buyer's market are important that the activities revolve. To make it easy and helpful, items at the INS stage must have some parameters that are characterized, for example, the name, category, volume, value, material, and, descriptions and so on that make it simple and easy to find and choose products to order.
Manufacturers will place their products and buyers choose goods to purchase, show delivery details, and pay in tokens, BTC, ETH or INS tokens. Convenient with their payment method, buyers will qualify for various prices and rewards. Payments in an INS token make them eligible for various offers and prizes.
Everything happens on an easy and fast to use INS platform. The INS platform allows manufacturers to join, publish their products for sale, engage in promotions and loyalty campaigns, and get customer feedback. This allows consumers to order the product and facilitate order fulfillment process.
INS token Details:
Total token: 50,000,000
Tokens are offered in crowdsale: 30,000,000
After the ICO period, all contributors will receive the INS ERC20 token exchange on the Ethereum network. Each time an INS blockchain is launched with its own token mechanism, the ERC20 token will always be accepted in exchange for the new 1-to-1 tokens. The INS Token is a core component of the INS ecosystem and is designed to facilitate all types of operations that make tokens an integral part of ecosystems and drivers for their economies. INS tokens can be divided in fractions, transferable and exchangeable. Balance and token transfers will be tracked by INS. In the case of force majeure, such as a large token theft, contract compromise, or disturbing Ethereum protocol changes, the INS may elect to freeze a token transfer and issue a new token contract with a balance replacing that of the original registry token on a specific date. In case of Ethereum fork, INS will announce which branch will be supported.
The INS Token is planned to be the only means of exchange for handling all types of rewards and one of the means of payment within the INS ecosystem. We are planning that an INS token will be accepted as a payment method in partner services.
Crowdsale and KYC:
Crowsale sales will start on December 4 and end on December 25th. Funds collected during ICO are planned to be used in accordance with the roadmap. For more details for crowdsale you can visit their official website.
KYC Rules:
"Tokens are not offered or distributed to, and can not be reselled or otherwise alienated by their holders to nationals, natural persons and the law, having a place of residence, location or place of residence in the country or territory where the transaction is with a digital token prohibited or by way of anything is limited by applicable law or regulation, 37 or will be strictly prohibited or restricted at any time after this Agreement becomes effective ("Limited Person"). We do not accept the participation of the Restricted Persons and are entitled to refuse or cancel the purchase request of the INS tokens at any time only in our sole discretion when the information provided by the buyer in the KYC procedure is insufficient, inaccurate or misleading, or the buyer is deemed a Limited Person "
Team details:
The founders of INS, Peter Fedchenkov and Dmitry Zhulin, have known each other since 2010 and worked together since 2013. INS is supported by world-renowned advisors.
For more information you can see the following sources:
- Official website: https://ins.world link
- Whitepaper: https://ins.world/INS-ICO-Whitepaper.pdf
- Telegram: https://t.me/ins_ecosystem
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ins_ecosystem
AUTHOR: jelambar111
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