The Internet has become strong and has been adopted by a percentage more or less. The Internet has got people together and has an ecumenical bad. We, however, become physically present in the world around us. A world that is physically removed and available physically. The internet has made us almost ugly, but we also have no physical oversight. So they are not vulnerable to our circumstances and can not participate. Internet Internet
We are millions of utility skills but we also do not have an Internet-friendly welcoming system for illusions and unsuccessful event updates at a positive or negative level. Millions of cases can be bought
court and there is no way to solve it. A centralized organization or regime will face different problems
with millions of cases or requests from the public to solve their problems. This process gradually
influenced by a decentralized and powerful energy and energy. In addition, it is impossible to report
anonymously and 99% of people do not want to use their identity when they report it all.
To solve this problem, create a better system for users is the reason why the website is created: http://web.enlte.com/
Enlte Platform is a decentralized blockbuster chase system for authenticating native candidates without having a centralized regime or organization. The place where professional vocational machines experience the authentic phenomenon of the authentic Min Welt world with more fun and better network capacity.
The Enlte platform enables real-life issues in our digital society today. This platform uses powerful utility coins as Enlte Münzen, which users can use as an investment. The Enlte platform is designed to create individuals individually by reinforcing all experiences with their own anonymous identity or rank and then collecting shipments to their neighboring networks through increased authentic time and geo-stamping experience. who have entered authentic times and neighboring clubs, which gives them the opportunity to spread Coins by achieving authenticity and promoting success. The ultimate goal is to create each individual by creating a Power Platform where users can upload photos, videos, ask questions to engage in questions and engage in authentic authenticity in their respective fields. The more aware of the events around them, the more active and likely to act and make their communities a better and safer place to live.
Click the links below to read more about the Enlte project concept
by the company Whitepaper:
The company has planned to publish 250 million liters of coins while preparing general investment advisers. So all interested coin investors can access the company's website:
Tickets are planned to take place in February, 2018 and end on 29. At the same time. The hottest ICO date is still anonymous. The token fee is set at $ 0.016 per token with a 100% bonus. Investors can use a token token with Bitcoin somewhere via this link:
Enlte is not an ERC20 token but has an Android wall-patch app that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store;
The Company has distributed and distributed tokens in the following ways:
The general public: 50%
Enlte Reserved: 20%
Community: 6%
Team Enlte: 20%
Legal marketing: 4%
Funds from pre-cancerous, may be available in the following ways:
Android app: 15%
Marketing and Development: 10%
3.Legal: 5%
4.Development 10 and WEB APPLICATIONS: 20%
Web Search Optimization (Increase Traffic): 15%
On the built Exchange Construction: 10%
Yolo Implementatioun: 10%
8. Smart City: 10%
Web 10S An Android App Wartung: 5%
10.Misc: 5%

For more information on the Enlte and ICO projects, please visit:
Official Website: http://web.enlte.com/
Official Whitepaper: http://web.enlte.com/Whitepaper_v0.2.pdf
Facebook page: https://web.facebook.com/enlte/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter page: https://twitter.com/enlte_Official
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GlViOAy1muoVLmPqqnJJRg
Ann Thread: h ttps: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 2985619
AUTHOR: jelambar111
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