In the world of electronic money today we take over, people have heard it, and more and more people want to learn more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology comes in, things change, better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies are beginning to use electronic money in their work. New ideas come every day. People want to invest in new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world and called the Internet. The Internet is a huge information base where we can do anything. The Internet has connected the whole world. One of these projects is Kaching Coins (KAC),
Financial freedom is a continuum when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money by making desperate and emotional choices with hard-earned savings to get ahead in life. They also lose a lot of ambiguities and hidden agendas from certain centralized organizations. In this centralized organization, inefficient information and third party operations are endemic. KachingCoin was developed with a purpose in mind, to create a global hierarchy and transparency for the people, to diversify their investments and secure their financial freedom. Find KachingCoin, the most complete investment ecosystem supported by Blockchain.

Kaching Coins (KAC) will be the only mechanism for transferring values in the life cycle of ecosystems in all subsystems and micro ecosystems by providing a complete investment and business system. We create value for investors and KAC users. Kaching Coins is actually the easiest token to use. With complete products ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the most complete investment ecosystem in the world, backed by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the outcomes of an experienced blockbuster industry development and a good idea based on a system that directly opens the door for more open investors to the head. symbolic. As one of the first foundation platforms created, the Company wants to recognize and help investors to be more concerned about the economic weaknesses that many people face in the world in terms of mutual support as user-exchangeable investments. listed on this block. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be the time when most registered investors or potential investors start trading on this platform will do business.
Solutions for market needs
1. Transparency, accountability, security, security, speed and confidence.
So how does Blockchain respond to the demands of transparency, accountability, security, security, speed, and reliability? To answer this question, let's look at the following diagram:
2. A quick and easy way to fill and withdraw money.
Especially in developing countries, there is an inherent need for easy storage and withdrawal services. Using Token Kaching, Powered by Blockchain, and a combination of local deposits and other smart payment systems, deposits and withdrawals have never been easier. It's safe, secure, easy to follow, and completely transparent.
3. Customers.
Kaching has identified three Arketype Client keys; Brokers, Investors, and Investment Managers (Traders) Understanding the needs of Arketipe clients, we have tailored our services skillfully to answer needs.
4. Broker.
Brokers will be accepted to create our company profile on the Kaching social transaction platform. Here they will be able to reach the abigger market and provide easily to potential traders even from IB.
5. Investors.
Any user of any social media platform can notify you of the user interface and the usefulness of the software that matters to the user experience and the Paltform function. Ease of Search (Information and Funding), Allocat (Information and Capital), and Sharing (Information and Experience) are among the most important priorities when thinking about "Investor Experience.
Ecosystem Kaching Ecosystem Kaching
will be the first integrated ecosystem provided by Blockchain, delivering great value to each participant. Kaching Coin (KAC) will be a center, and a source of ecosystem strength. Each individual will also contribute to the appreciation of KAC values.
Why Kaching Is Different and Better,, and are just a drop in the bucket language of an online site with articles claiming that electronic money is faster, safer. , and more convincing than any other competitor out there. Supported by blockchain, this is a statement that kaching proved convincingly as we progressed to the most ecologically profitable and most ecologically sound trade in the world.
Kaching will sport a wide range of commercial products. With 160 trading tools in 7 categories; Forex, stocks, indices, metals, energy, money and agriculture, Kaching will be one of the most diverse trading platforms in the world. In combination with other services we provide; Brokers, exchanges, payment systems, banking and wallet solutions, venture capital and venture capital, social transactions and research and development, Kaching will truly be a silkworm path for growth. Key in the 21st century.
Kaching Coins- Most Complete Investor Ecosystem Powered by
Blockchain Why KachingCoins?
Financial freedom is a continuum when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money by making desperate and emotional choices with hard-earned savings to get ahead in life. They also lose a lot of ambiguities and hidden agendas from certain centralized organizations. In this centralized organization, inefficient information and third party operations are endemic. KachingCoins is developed with the goal in mind, to create a global hierarchy and transparency for the community, to diversify their investments and secure their financial freedom. Find KachingCoins, the most complete investment ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.
"The main reason why Kaching is basically different than most ICO's is actually our ecosystem is built to value tokens, we already have products and we have a customer base that will use tokens across the ecosystem It has grown! It's inevitable!" - Stephan Roos
Ready to use
Millions of dollars have been invested in the foundations of ecosystems.
global More than 100 million global investors.
Market giant Cap
20 trillion dollar scale investment instrument market.
Period of project implementation
2015 - 2017: Foundation Project
Creating ideas, forming teams, Kint Global Fintech Ltd. Founded in London, England. Company number 11095157
February 2018: Personal Sales Token
Distribution of personal note token for the first user with a bonus of 66% in just 2 weeks
March 2018: Token
Personal Sales Loop opens first and second to release token. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a bonus of 33%.
April 2018: Pre ICO
Four rounds of major token releases to the public. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a bonus of 25%
in May 2018: ICO
Kaching Coin (KAC) starts listing on the local and global trading floor, facilitating transactions.
September 2018:
Great social trading platform, the first important element in an ecosystem where investors, traders, IB share profits on
Q1, 2019: Large funds and users
World equity inputs increase investor profitability and total value of ecosystem.
Then: The most complete ecosystem
Developed Acedemy, RND Lab, entire ecosystem and started distributing dividends to cardholders.
This company has commercial value, very special in every exchange. Giving convenience to potential investors is one of the things that categorizing coding firms around the world can provide, but provides clear and detailed details and paths. See if the company is paying attention to investors in the future. potency. If you are looking for a market to negotiate with currency, this is a solution that you can apply as one of the main options for blockchain based trading platforms. It is equipped with the latest technology blockchain Kaching platform. This is one of the currency trading markets and the exchange of passwords through the market democracy system has a great advantage for shareholder profits. Not just this.
Kaching is a new trading platform based on successful blockchain methods that show the market and change the functioning of the financial ecosystem. This system uses its platform similarities to assist in negotiating some types of extraordinary assets. In addition, this platform also uses its own electronic money, called token transactions. Developers hope to create large liquidity targets that support Token operations to help cardholders. The purpose of this platform is to be a leader in transforming many financial assets with blockchain technology. Once you decide to join this negotiation site, I am convinced that thanks to the founder's experience and creative ideas, you can continue to invest and start exchanging or exchanging, Of course,
The future of the Kaching platform is the first generation platform that provides solutions to investor problems that can not timely, and whenever changes in the market change or high and prices change. This is usually low enough for potential users to get ready for automatic notifications on their mobile devices. world, without leaving the role. The goal is to create a merchant ecosystem and shared users, as well as platforms that can contribute permanently to revenue stability. To address the problems facing most investors, Kaching makes the decision, providing smart solutions with platforms for productivity and easy access to your account.
Allocate money
Most of the existing trading platforms will not be able to offer you the option to diversify your allocation of money when it comes to investing in various trading tools. With the kaching ecosystem, you will be able to allocate your capital to various investment flows to manage your risks better and not have all your capital in a language basket. Diversification and adjustment of investment is part of what Kaching wants to bring to market.
Sell Token (KAC)
Every change in this company has a very special commercial value. Facilitating potential investors is one of the things that CryptoCurrency companies should classify in the world, but it provides clear and detailed details and at the same time represents a roadmap to determine whether the public Whether you truly value future investors or not. potency. If you're looking for a place to negotiate a market in the currency market, here's a solution that you can apply as one of the key blocks blocking options based on market-based cryptography. Coming up with the latest blockchain platform technology, KACHING COINS MARKET is one of the great benefits for shareholder profits and is one of the most traded cryptosystems through market democracy. Not just KACHING COINS here,
KACHING COINS is a new trading platform based on successful blockchain methods that demonstrate the market and changes in the functioning of the financial ecosystem. The system uses platform-based partners to assist in negotiating a number of outstanding assets. In addition, this platform uses its own electronic money, also known as Token Transactions. Developers expect to create large liquidity targets that will facilitate Token transactions to benefit coin owners. The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in transforming many financial assets into blockchain technology. When you decide to join this negotiation site, with the experience and creative ideas from the builder, you can definitely start making and investing in stocks or exchanges,
Future Platform KACHING COINS is
the first generation platform to provide timely and inaccessible solutions to investor problems, allowing for an ever-changing coding market at any time, or high and low encoding rates, making potential users searchable for this platform. They are ready to receive automatic notifications on their mobile device. without leaving at least the world's activities. The goal is to create an ecosystem that conceptualizes mutually beneficial relationships between merchants and users, as well as platforms that can provide consistent support for revenue stabilization. Resolving the most common issues faced by most investors, KACHING COINS accounts will address this issue by providing smart platform-based solutions that provide efficient and easy access.
Tokenization và Bous Program
Standard token - Ethereum ERC 20 Token
Token Name - Kaching Coin (KAC)
Decimal - 18 **
Number of tokens - 247 million
Kaching coins (KAC) serves as a mechanism for transferring the value of the Kaching ecosystem. 50% token will be released in pre-ICO and ICO periods.
Total allocation of time allocated
through the team
Director of ICO relations Road Map Stephan Roos Mark Simon Investor investor Professional deals / Co-founder Derek Fintech Sandheinrich Specialist / Co-founder Tahsin Fintech Haykal Specialist / Co-Founder
Kevin Millien
Brokers / Consultants
Tung Phan
Consultant / Advisor
James Thai
For more information, please visit:
AUTHOR: jelambar111